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Bruce In Bangkok Bruce In Bangkok is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 576
Default Propeller anti-fouling?

On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:55:14 -0500, " Tuuk" wrote:

Is it possible that there is too much electrolisis loss? And these barnicals
are attracted to that? Using anodes or disconnecting battery or another form
of cathodic protection. Have a look at some other boats in the slips to see
if theirs has the same problems. If they don't then you may have a
electrolisis issue as the prop is the most obvious spot of focus for this as
it is the thinest/best part under the water for transfer of electrons.

Cathodic protection is exactly the same as it has been for the past 15
years or so. The propeller and shaft are insulated from the rest of
the boat and an anode is placed between the prop and the stern

"mmc" wrote in message

"Vic Smith" wrote in message
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 18:38:26 +0700, Bruce In Bangkok

Has anyone tried any of the anti-fouling schemes intended for
propellers, and if so what was your experience?

The question comes about because I just had to dive on my prop and
clean it. When I got down there I discovered a mass of "clams" as big
as a bushel basket. Took two days to scrape them all off.

True, for one reason or another, the boat hasn't moved in the better
part of a year but still I don't believe I have ever seen as much
growth. Must be either global warming or high CO2 content :-)

In any event, it does make one think "there must be a better way".

Haven't tried it because I don't have a boat.
But you made me think that if you knew your boat would be idle a long
time, wrapping the prop it in a old piece of poly tarp might work.
Maybe even a thick black garbage bag.
Should be easier to put that on and crack/cut it away than spend 2
days scraping.
Barnacles need some light to grow, right?
We sometimes want a patch of lawn for garden and the easiest way
to kill the grass is to lay something on it that blocks the light.


You're right, that does work Vic. The owner just has to remember to take
it off before getting underway!
Hope you're well and staying warm.

