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Harry[_2_] Harry[_2_] is offline
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Default Our Next President!!!

Harry wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 08/01/2010 6:47 PM, jps wrote:

On CBS's "60 Minutes" Thursday night, Republican strategist Steve
Schmidt revealed some of the behind-the-scenes wrangling that went
into Sarah Palin's debate against then-Sen. Joe Biden.

You know, if people sat back and thought about Sara Palin for a few
minutes, one has to ask why the liberal-democrates hater her more than
black death itself.

Could it be that Sara might publically laugh out loud when corupt
corporations try to raid the tax system?

Maybe she would say hey boys, you are the heads of bankrupt companies,
it is fraud that you get $20 million in pensions and bonuses. Maybe
even send the SEC armed with SOX after those Harvard boys responsible
for billing Americans.

Maybe the corrupt haven't bought her off yet? Seems to be a lot of
money behind discrediting her. Maybe too much money...

Or perhaps nobody wants an uncorrupted person to look at Washington
DC's books to expose just how corrupt senate and congress really are?

Maybe JFK got assinated as he was going after the wrong people. Since
then they have learned character assination....

You are incorrecting assuming that we "hate" Palin. Most of us *love*
Palin for doing what she does best: isolating and separating the
Republican base and keeping it from growing substantially. She,
Bachmann, Beck, Limbaugh, et cetera, are terrific at getting the wagons
going in a circle, but terrible at party and consensus building.

*I* want Palin and the others to be as active as possible. The farther
out they get, the less chance the GOP has to moderate itself and pick
national candidates who can draw in the numbers of voters it takes to win.

The woman hasn't a scintilla of knowledge or very much intelligence.
She's just good at riling up the messy extreme right-wing masses.

And she's smoking hot, even with the porous complexion that I always
manage to complain about.