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Armond Perretta[_2_] Armond Perretta[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 63
Default LORAN Still Worth The Trouble?

Wayne.B wrote:
"Armond Perretta" wrote:

Has anyone tried this in a similar situation (i.e., specifically
where the GPS does not correspond to the latest charts)? Is this a
good idea in the first place?

... The corrections typically apply only to a limited area since they are
result of charting error, not GPS lat/lon error. In my experience it
is all too easy to forget that you have applied an offset ...

I did this quite a bit the first time I visited Nova Scotia. At that time
the GPS system did not exist for recreational yachts. Earlier, also
pre-GPS, I had used this method in Bermuda and, later, the Bahama Islands.
As you note the range for these corrections is quite limited, but it was
essentially "the only game in town" if one wanted to have some sort of
electronic piloting information available.

However according to several "experts" (including ALL the available cruising
guides and several correspondents who have make passages to the area), the
south and southwest shore of Newfoundland is covered by charts that do not
match up to GPS data. I am referring to the latest CHS paper charts and the
latest NDI electronic charts, all corrected to the latest updates available.
So it seems that using the old LORAN offset trick would at the very least
provide useful additional piloting information. That's the idea I'm toying

Good luck and good sailing.
s/v Kerry Deare of Barnegat