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Wayne.B Wayne.B is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default I hate to say it but there sure is a bunch of ignorance here concerning VHF antennas

On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 08:09:23 -0500, "Flying Pig"

Follow the link in the anomaly thread, and you'll see why. It wouldn't fit
on the bracket...

OK, based on the following picture, I think I see the problem. It
looks like the coil on the bottom of the Metz was interfering with the
upright portion of your aluminum angle bracket, requiring you to space
it higher?

You are incurring at least 1 db of extra loss as a result of that
connector stack (0.5 db per extra connection), and that's assuming
that no moisture has gotten in, and the connectors are all top shelf.
1+ db is a lot of loss, about equal to an 80 ft run of good quality

It looks like the solution is to trim away some small portion of the
outer end of the angle bracket as indicated in the cross-hatching so
that the Metz can be mounted flush the way it was intended. That
would eliminate both adapters that you have now.

While you're doing all that you might want to retighten the nut under
the red shrink tubing that holds the whip in place. They sometimes
loosen up over time and let the whip get away. It happened to us
about 20 years ago on a cruise to Maine. The good news was that while
up the mast fixing the Metz, I spotted a pod of whales on the horizon
and they put on quite a show for us.