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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Nov 2006
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Default that V-10 E350, can it or not?

On Aug 31, 11:56*pm, Eddie wrote:
Hi guys, a few weeks ago I posted asking opinions whether my V-10
could pull my boat out of the water.
It is a 1987 Regal XL277 weight around 8,500lbs dry. *The trailer, 3-
axle comes in at around 1,500 lbs.
I've had it berthed at a marina costing me $150/mo. *It's a rather old
and worn down marina where most of the boats are also old and run
downed. * Last month I ended up buying a bank-owned property about 1
mi. from the marina. *It is across the street from homes that have
their backyards facing water. *They all have slips, covered and
opened. *Being across the street I was able to buy super cheap. *And
now having a house nearby I decided to get my boat out of the water
and store it at the house. *I could not run it as the throttle control
went out so a friend across the street said he could tow it to the
ramp using his small personal water craft.
After stowing the power cord and the water hose, we went off about 1
mile to the ramp. *I backed the trailer into the water and positioned
the boat on top. *The moment of truth finally came as the E350 slowly
went up the ramp. *And then - - -
Well, it came out ok. *That V-10 barely struggled at all! *I kept
saying, come on baby, you can do it. *Damn engine seemed to say,
relax, this is going to be an easy pull. *And it was! *After paying
for the use of the ramp I drove the one mile to the house where I will
now park it for a while. *The tow was amazingly smooth, with
absolutely no strain on the engine. *Amazing, those V-10s.
And now to start work on the controller.

For some reason Eddie, there are a lot of v-10 Ford box/ delivery
trucks in my area.

i don't know why they chose the v-10 over the power strokes, but it
might also have something to do with the throttle response time.

power when you need it... like, now!