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Default Seeking advice and suggestions

Skip Gundlach writes:

While it's apparent that you've got a very long learning
curve ahead of you (it seems you haven't any background
in boating so don't know what to specify), the other
responders haven't made your life simple.

You are correct when you believe I have no background
in boats, for I have never even stepped on one, except
for small open ones like 10-12 foot long boats, like
rowboats and such. Why it is so difficult to get clear
answers from people is not something which I understand!
I would have believed everyone would be stepping all over
themself to show me things to research, but not a lot of
this has this happened. I have read from several, of things
which I should go and read, but everyone uses this strange
new terminology and this jargon. Is there a good online
dictionary of yacht-language? If it is so, I should go and
use it, so that I can know these same terms.
jsp?sm=3&cit=true&slim=quick&ybw=null&is=&type=%28 Power%29&
man=&hmid=0&ftid=0&enid=0&fromLength=25&toLength=4 0&luom=126&
fromYear=&toYear=&fromPrice=&toPrice=11000&currenc yid=100&city=

is a URL for the search you want (you'll likely have to cut
and paste the lines unless it wraps when you click on it, to
get the full address). When you have narrowed down your
parameters, you can reduce the number of boats presented,
but for the moment, at least, there's 377 power boats from
25 to 40 feet at under 11,000 USD listed.

This website I have not seen before. I like it that I can put in
things I wish, such as length, price, and other information. But
there are things on it which I do not know, like on the section
where it asks for type of boat. What means terms like "cockpit"
or "sedan"? Is it not the place on top of the boat that you stand
when you steer that is the cockpit? And a sedan has 4 doors, on
a car, but on a boat?

When you dump the new boats with no prices, that number reduces.
When you dump the parts of the world you're unwilling to explore,
it reduces further. When you go from 'all power' to the various
(it allows you to select more than one category of power boat)
which are actually important to you, it further reduces. However,
there will still be lots to consider.

This actually shows me what a lot of these boats looks like, and
this is what I needed. I am appreciative of this from you. But,
it also causes problems for me, in that now I have more things to
know, that I do not know. Where do I go to educate myself about
these terms and things I do not know?

Once you've had a look at some of them, go back to the 'advanced
search' button (well, shaded area at the left of the page) and
refine this search.

I did try to do advanced search, and entering a low of $1.00, and
high of $11,000.00, with certain regions (east US coast) I find
some 231 boats with which I can start to search. Many of these
boats are much more than I expected to find, and some are beautiful!

I don't think you'll get any other than a very project boat in
your budget, but at least it's a place to start.

I did look at many of these boats, and there are plenty of ones
there that I can take a more serious look at them. There are a
few that are not ready to be in water, needing much repair. But
in all, I am very appreciative of your help by giving me a link!

Thank you!

FWIW, you can see some of the recent threads about my searching;
whether you agree with my methods, I can tell you that it will
produce lots of boats to consider...

I have read your strings, and your methods are very complex, but
I believe you will find what boat suits you, and one that you
want. If what you do works for you, then you go with it. You
obviously know more than I, and I salute you, for you are knowing
what you have to do to get what it is that you want.

Thank you for your very kind help. As another writer said, I am
so very sorry that this post is not shorter, as I did not have
time to make it less long.

Unique in the World!

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