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NotNow[_2_] NotNow[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 252
Default Why are dems scared of Palin

Frogwatch wrote:
The rest of us give her no thought at all. Its like naming the
running mate of Bob Dole, now who was it? However, Palin seems to
have really frightened the dems so they obsess over her whereas the
rest of us have basically forgotten her, weird. In fact, the only
times I think of Palin is when Biden says something I
guess I think of her more often than I thought I did but that is
Bidens fault. Maybe their obsession is just a way of covering
Bozama's stupid mistakes. Basically, whenever they bring her up I
start thinking she is waaaaaay smarter than Biden, otherwise she never
crosses my mind.

Please don't lump all liberals in with you-know-who. He's an out of
control, crazy man who can't see any other side of a story than the side
that he wants to see.