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HK HK is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
Posts: 13,347
Default It's been a long downhill run...

Gene Kearns wrote:
On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 09:57:42 -0400, HK penned the following well
considered thoughts to the readers of

|for men's clothes:
|Brooks Brothers is selling men's shirts, three for $199. These shirts
|surely are manufactured in China (or worse) by workers making a few
|pennies a day.
|In the good old days, these shirts were manufactured in two factories
|(neither owned by Brooks Brothers) in New Haven, Connecticut, my home
|town, by members of the ILGWU, who earned union-negotiated wages and
|benefits. The workers made a modest living, the shirt manufacturers made
|a reasonable profit, and the consumer - guys like me - were able to buy
|these men's shirts, three for $27. Once a year, "seconds" were available
|for about $6 each.
|The economic change is staggering. The shirts are now more than $65
|each, instead of $9 each, the workers today make next to nothing, and
|the corporationists are making out like bandits.
|The last major U.S. shirtmaker, Hathaway, closed its doors years ago.
|This is progress?

No, it isn't.... but here is a partial answer:

Hopefully, all of those "post-industrialist" sophomores that posted
here a few years ago assuring me I wasn't bright enough to handle
ECON-101 get it, now. Probably, not.

Thanks, Gene!

Republican conservatism is so far out of the mainstream, it is serving
as a drainage ditch somewhere.