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Eisboch[_4_] Eisboch[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,521
Default Happy Fun Headline Game

"HK" wrote in message

I was on the actual staff of several unions in my "illustrious" career.
Once during a recession, one of the unions was fairly hard hit, so at the
behest of the union president, management decided to vote itself a 20% pay
cut so that non-management staff would only have to endure a 5% pay cut.
No one had to be laid off.

When the economic turnaround came, salaries were restored and everyone who
had taken a pay cut got that money paid back over six pay periods.

Gee. Golly whiz.

How about going without *any* paycheck for 6 months so that employees could
collect 100% of theirs?

Two or three times.
