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HK HK is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
Posts: 13,347
Default Not only Pelosi lied...

On May 8, 3:10 pm, HK wrote:
Tom Francis - SWSports wrote:

On Fri, 8 May 2009 11:53:45 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
On May 8, 2:27 pm, Tom Francis - SWSports
The leaked CIA minutes of Congressional briefings on
enhanced-interrogation techniques — more than 40 of them — show that
leaders of both parties and members of the committees on intelligence
got specifically and explicitly briefed on Abu Zubaydah’s
waterboarding and other procedures used on high-value al-Qaeda
Expect this topic to die a quiet death in the next few days. Obama
already hit reverse after his selective release when it became
apparent that he’d opened Pandora’s Box and exposed Democratic
leadership to the issue.
If Cheney gets his way and wins approval for the release of the
information gleaned from Zubaydah and KSM, it’s going to make it an
even worse political setback for the White House.
Delicious. All that outrage and the Demodummies were right smack in
the middle of it and knew about it all along.
What a country huh?
You're correct, the news media will bury this story and try their best
to make it go away. They'll give more coverage to the new dress
Michelle wears than the fact that the Demoncrats are a pack of low-
life liars.
And the liberal apologists are nipping at your heels. "Delicious". mean the minons here?
Minor intellects at best and mostly inarticulate apologists sounding a
one note samba - BUSH DID IT! syncopated by IT'S BUSH'S FAULT!!
Note to lefties: syncopated in this use is defined the use of
rhetorical stress at variance with the metrical stress of a line of
verse. I know all of you have Oxford Dictionary of The English
Language, but you probably can't spell and it's hard to cut and paste
a word into a physical book, so I thought I'd help you out - that's
what us conservatives do - help people help themselves.
You can thank me later.

If you are going to play dictionary boy, tommie fay, learn how to spell.


Try minions.

Maybe you should hang out with a brighter boy than your pal, JustHate?-

You hang out with the king of mispelling here, Donnie. That make you
and Don... Dumb and Dumber.

Don doesn't play "Mr. Dictionary" as seriously as Tommie Boy did with
that example.

BTW, I have two OED's, one the 22-volume print set and the other on CD.