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Default Cruising European Canals and Rivers

Well there goes another wonderful cruising dream (cruising in your own boat,
as opposed to commercial cruising)..

I have friends who retired form the US Military in the early '70s and
cruised and lived aboard for 20 year in the canals of Europe. The purchased
a 40ft power boat, used moved aboard and only gave up the life style when
the wifes health started failing (in their late 60s). Their family would fly
to Europe every summer to meet them in a different place each year. Lived
aboard or no shore, what ever suited them. Grand children spent months with

BTW. The ended up selling their 40ft boat for the same price the paid for it
20+ years earlier. So the cost of their home and cruising boat was what ever
they paid for the repairs and maintenance..

Now tell me if this isn't a better cruise than these "Specialty Cruise
packages" being advertised (spam).

s/v Good Intentions