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jps jps is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Iowa vs New Orleans

On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 22:05:07 -0500, wrote:

On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:24:12 -0400, John H

Why the big difference? Some great pictures. Be sure to scroll down
the page. Oh, and some good questions also.

There is another perspective to this. The difference between city
people and country people. The black folks who lived out in the bayou
didn't riot, panic or complain about FEMA either.
I really believe a hurricane hitting ANY big city will be a disaster
of apocalyptic proportions. New York City leaps to mind.
Country people do tend to be a lot more self reliant, no matter how
much melanin they have in their skin..

But not exclusive to the country. There are a percentage of those who
live in the city who can take care of their own, and not because they
grew up in the country.

I does take a different set of skills to thrive in the city but it
doesn't mean that you cannot also be skilled at crafts.