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jps jps is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Iowa vs New Orleans

On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:31:57 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch

On Apr 13, 6:47*pm, "Don White" wrote:
"Calif Bill" wrote in message


"Don White" wrote in message
.. .

"John H" wrote in message
. ..
Why the big difference? Some great pictures. Be sure to scroll down
the page. Oh, and some good questions also.

John H

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those
who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
Thomas Jefferson

We get it Johnny.
You feel that black people demand and get special treatment.
You'd better find a hobby or distraction... you're being consumed by this

You racist pig. *There was nothing said about black people. *The comment
was about self reliance. *Lots of white people in NOLA area with their
hand out also.

Stick to your drinking and bad grammer Kalif Swill.
Everyone with half a brain knows exactly what Johnny is up to.

As far as can see it is HK who is racist assuming that blacks cannot
be self reliant This is in accord with lefties always treating black
people as less than human.
I would like to know how the two situations differ in "everything that
HK has shown his true racism.

I'm sorry, I must have missed the post where Harry said that blacks
were incapable of self-reliance.

I suspect you're putting words in his mouth.