Thread: Two Wheels
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Kirk Gordon Kirk Gordon is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2009
Posts: 1
Default Two Wheels

adchin wrote:
I think it's called a motorbike

No, that would be too simple. GM is, and always will be, afflicted
by a need to do things in the most difficult, most expensive way
possible, no matter how many cheap and simple alternatives might be
rolling along Jefferson Avenue, right past their doorstep.

So instead of a motorbike, they want to put wheels on the left and
right sides of the vehicle, then put a gyroscope in it so you don't fall
on your nose or your ass. The thought of just putting your foot out to
keep from falling over, or steering with a simple fork and bearing,
instead of a complex linkage or an electronic control that proportions
wheel velocity, or whatever, just isn't GM's style. And when they've
complicated the basic idea to the point of total absurdity, they'll
probably try to sell it for 10 or 20 times the price of an
off-the-shelf, proven quality, immensely popular Vespa.

It's sad.