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Vic Smith Vic Smith is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 4,312
Default How sailing failure is defined.

On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 13:06:58 -0800, "Capt. JG"

I have come to believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

10,000 Frenchmen with ugly wives can't be wrong.

If Jim
likes his boat, if it serves his needs, then who am I to denegrate it. From
what I've read of when and where he sails, he does just fine with it. I know
(I hope) he's smart enough not to exceed its limitations, which is true for
all of us who sail (or don't I suppose).

Macs have quite a following. Still my preferred boat for a
week-ender, short coastal jaunt boat in skinny Florida waters.
Cheap to buy one that's ready, and I don't like wood on a boat.
I don't even care about the speed aspect, motor or otherwise.
Different strokes.
Whatever it takes to get on the water and wake Neal.
