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Edgar Edgar is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 741
Default Message To The Moderator

"DoctorD" wrote in message
OK. I have learned my lesson. Now instead one one Subject for Larry to
post on I have created two (The Worst Democratic President + Message
To The Moderator).

I now know if I responded under a third heading there would be
three . . .
and so on and so on and so on.

In the future, I will stick to reading only the sailing subjects. I
will also look for a new reader. Any suggestions of a specific one?
Wouldn't want to be accused by Wilbur of censorship.

Now, could someone please post some sailing information so Wilbur
won't have to call me out for my stupidity and that I can quietly go
back to learning about the art from some people with more knowledge on
the subject

If you killfile Larry you are going to miss out on some really good stuff
when he confines himself to electrical matters