Thread: Great Day
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Calif Bill Calif Bill is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Great Day

"John H" wrote in message
On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 09:10:02 -0800, "CalifBill"

"Mike" wrote in message
. ..
I hope everyone had a great day today, whether or not you celebrate

Ours was fantastic. Our kids (8 and 5) let us know that Santa was very
good to them, which accounted for the 5:30am reveille!

Magically, the baby Jesus appeared in our Nativity scene, and they were
just as excited about that as they were about their gifts.We *do* teach
the meaning of Christmas to our kids. :-)

About 10am, we had a wicked hailstorm roll thru, and for about 5
actually had a White Christmas! The kids were bouncing off the walls. We
don't get many White Christmases in San Jose, CA. :-

Later... had a great meal at the In-Laws, exchanged more gifts, and I'm
ready for the sack!

If you all had a day 1/2 as good as mine, you're doing well!

Merry Christmas!


Ours was fantastic. First Christmas for our first grandbaby. Gabrielle
scored big, and was very good in church.


Now, where's the pictures?

Have a Super Christmas and a Spectacular New Year!

I will post one overthere sometime.