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Default The problem with these off-topic, political threads...

"Gould 0738" wrote in message
Where did I blame the political threads solely on the left or the right?

When you said that Gould, Harry, and jps
had screwed up the newsgroup? When you said that liberals brought "filth and
disrespect" to this public forum?

And I was wrong?

I blamed you for throwing stones in your glass house.

Jim, I'll proudly compare my ratio of personal attacks and insults vs. civil
discussion with your own, any day.

You have been posting here far longer than me. Anyone can see your noise to signal
ratio is quite high. At least I have been honest about it. Your approach has
been.."Who, me?"

Regardless, you were the one claiming innocence in this whole thing when it was likely
you and Harry that brought it on (the demise of the NG).

Why do you try to make this personal all the time?

I did not. You did.

Glass house = no stones thrown.

Got it?