Thread: Brazilian Teak
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Default Brazilian Teak

There are also multiple "Teak "plantations in Central America. They are
quoting something like 15 years to harvest, . I don't know the specie


"Glenn Ashmore" wrote in message
I must correct myself. Did some checking and the trade name "Brazilian
teak" is actually Cumaru aka Ebo. Dipteryx, odorata, not teak at all.
Similar in density, strength and durability to teak but less
dimensionally stable.

That is going to lead to no end of confusion because there are several
large real teak plantations starting to harvest in Brazil.

Jim Conlin wrote:
Is it the same species, tectona grandis ?

Glenn Ashmore wrote:

Brazilian and Central American teak is plantation grown using a lot of
agricultural technology. It grows faster so the rings are thicker and
the grain is a little more coarse. It is still resistant to rot and
actually has a little better non-skid properties but it somewhat

so it does not weather as well and has to be maintained more carefully.

South East Aisian teak is almost impossible to get these days because

some world wide bans. What is available is usually smuggled out of

x wrote:
Is Brazilian teak as good as the stuff from S.E Asia?

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or

there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division:

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division: