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Ken Marino Ken Marino is offline
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Default a lib is a lib is a lib, so it's OK

On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 20:38:10 -0700, Capt. JG wrote:

"Ken Marino" wrote in message
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:30:19 -0700, Capt. JG wrote:

"Ken Marino" wrote in message
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:58:09 -0400, mmc wrote:

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Ken Marino" wrote in message

Mahoney also declared that he's "a fighter" who will continue to
seek reelection.
Tim Mahoney, deocratic representative that replaced a repub that
stepped down when caught having an affair says he's tough and will
continue to seek re-elction, despite being caught having 2 affairs
and trying to bribe
one to keep her quiet. Dem's will force a repub to step down under
the exact same circumstances.

At least it was a woman this time....

"j" ganz @@

Ha! yeah when a good Christian, family values, gay-hating repub is
caught, it's more often than not with another man.

again the double standard. you support the gay lifestyle but make a
big deal out of Foley's gay love affair. You support family values
but have no problem with a dem having 2 mistresses and paying one
off with gov't funds to keep her quiet. Oh right, I forgot the dem's
don't support family values.

I don't think he said anything about a "gay" lifestyle, and I don't
think anyone is claiming the recent Mahoney affair was a good thing.
Are you suggesting that propositioning underage boys is somehow
comparible to sleeping with a grown woman?

Why don't you start claiming that the republicans are country first
again and then we can take a look at who served in the military and
who didn't...

No it isn't and I haven't defended it. He stepped down. Dem's fight it
and seldom do. Look at Jefferson who is still serving despite illegal
cash in his freezer. And Barney Frank serving years after it was found
out his gay lover was running a GAY PROSTITUTION RING out of Frank's
apartment. Of course you libs will say he probably wasn't aware of it.

That's pretty old news and somewhat humorous, given who lead the fight
to get rid of him. Apparently, the people in his district like him just
fine. I wonder if that'll be true in Mahoney's district. Of course,
they're a bit tired of the same ol' ****e.

"Barney Frank receive a formal reprimand from the House for his
relationship with a male prostitute." Attempts to expel or censure
Frank, led by Republican member Larry Craig (who himself was later
embroiled in his own homosexual scandal), failed. Rather, the House
voted 408-18 to reprimand him. This condemnation was not reflected in
Frank's district, where he won re-election in 1990 with 66 percent of
the vote, and has won by larger margins ever since.

I find Jefferson's actions deplorable and he should be removed.

I guess you don't remember Larry Craig... a bit more recent news... as I
recall he didn't resign... or he did, then he didn't, then...

So, once again, personal foibles are regrettable, but probably have very
little to do with Congressional work.

In most, of course not all casese the dem's will try to push their
scandals under the table saying they are personal matters.

at the same time they will call for the immediate withdrawell of a repub
under similar circumstances. Just e few examples:

List of Democrat Sex Scandals
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President John Kennedy had a known affair with actress Jayne Mansfield,
and was ignored by the popular media.

President John Kennedy had a known affair with actress Marilyn Monroe,
and was ignored by the popular media.

Bill Clinton raped Paula Jones.

Bill Clinton got blown by Monica Lewinsky.

Gavin Newsome, Mayor of San Fransisco had an affair with his best
friend's wife, while Newsome was separated from his.

Sen. Daniel Inouye. The 82-year-old Hawaii Democrat was accused in the
1990s by numerous women of sexual harassment. Democrats cast doubt on the
allegations and the Senate Ethics Committee dropped its investigation.

Former Rep. Gus Savage. The Illinois Democrat was accused of fondling a
Peace Corps volunteer in 1989 while on a trip to Africa. The House Ethics
Committee decided against disciplinary action in 1990.

Rep. Barney Frank. The outspoken Massachusetts Democrat hired a male
prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the
1980s. Only two Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to
censure him in 1990.

Former Sen. Brock Adams. The late Washington Democrat was forced to stop
campaigning after numerous accusations of drugging, assault and rape, the
first surfacing in 1988.

Former Rep. Fred Richmond. This New York Democrat was arrested in 1978
for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old. He remained in Congress and won re-
election—before eventually resigning in 1982 after pleading guilty to tax
evasion and drug possession.

Former Rep. John Young. The late Texas Democrat increased the salary of a
staffer after she gave in to his sexual advances. The congressman won re-
election in 1976 but lost two years later.

Former Rep. Wayne Hays. The late Ohio Democrat hired an unqualified
secretary reportedly for sexual acts. Although he resigned from Congress,
the Democratic House leadership stalled in removing him from the
Administration Committee in 1976.

Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with
underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office
for six more terms.

Former Rep. Mel Reynolds. The Illinois Democrat was convicted of 12
counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old. President Bill Clinton
pardoned him before leaving office.

Sen. Teddy Kennedy. The liberal Massachusetts senator testified in
defense of nephew accused of rape, invoking his family history to win
over the jury in 1991.

On July 14, 1983 the House Ethics Committee concluded that Rep. Dan Crane
(R-Ill.) and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) had engaged in sexual
relationships with minors, specifically 17-year-old congressional pages.
In Crane's case, it was a 1980 relationship with a female page and in
Studds's case, it was a 1973 relationship with a male page. Both
representatives admitted to the charges and the committee recommended
reprimand for the two.

Congressman Mel Reynolds, the Democrat convicted of 12 charges, including
sex with 16-year-old Beverly Heard and asking her to take pornographic
photographs of a 15-year old, was indicted on August 21, 1994. ABC, the
current scourge of congressional teen-sex scandals, reported nothing –
until Reynolds was convicted a year later, on August 23, 1995. In fact,
on May 13, 1994, ABC featured Reynolds in a "Person of the Week" speaking
out in favor of two Chicago ladies fighting child molesters
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