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Capt. JG Capt. JG is offline
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Default a lib is a lib is a lib, so it's OK

"Ken Marino" wrote in message
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:30:19 -0700, Capt. JG wrote:

"Ken Marino" wrote in message
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:58:09 -0400, mmc wrote:

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Ken Marino" wrote in message

Mahoney also declared that he's "a fighter" who will continue to
seek reelection.
Tim Mahoney, deocratic representative that replaced a repub that
stepped down when caught having an affair says he's tough and will
continue to seek re-elction, despite being caught having 2 affairs
and trying to bribe
one to keep her quiet. Dem's will force a repub to step down under
the exact same circumstances.

At least it was a woman this time....

"j" ganz @@

Ha! yeah when a good Christian, family values, gay-hating repub is
caught, it's more often than not with another man.

again the double standard. you support the gay lifestyle but make a big
deal out of Foley's gay love affair. You support family values but have
no problem with a dem having 2 mistresses and paying one off with
gov't funds to keep her quiet. Oh right, I forgot the dem's don't
support family values.

I don't think he said anything about a "gay" lifestyle, and I don't
think anyone is claiming the recent Mahoney affair was a good thing. Are
you suggesting that propositioning underage boys is somehow comparible
to sleeping with a grown woman?

Why don't you start claiming that the republicans are country first
again and then we can take a look at who served in the military and who

No it isn't and I haven't defended it. He stepped down. Dem's fight it
and seldom do. Look at Jefferson who is still serving despite illegal
cash in his freezer. And Barney Frank serving years after it was found
out his gay lover was running a GAY PROSTITUTION RING out of Frank's
apartment. Of course you libs will say he probably wasn't aware of it.

That's pretty old news and somewhat humorous, given who lead the fight to
get rid of him. Apparently, the people in his district like him just fine. I
wonder if that'll be true in Mahoney's district. Of course, they're a bit
tired of the same ol' ****e.

"Barney Frank receive a formal reprimand from the House for his relationship
with a male prostitute." Attempts to expel or censure Frank, led by
Republican member Larry Craig (who himself was later embroiled in his own
homosexual scandal), failed. Rather, the House voted 408-18 to reprimand
him. This condemnation was not reflected in Frank's district, where he won
re-election in 1990 with 66 percent of the vote, and has won by larger
margins ever since.

I find Jefferson's actions deplorable and he should be removed.

I guess you don't remember Larry Craig... a bit more recent news... as I
recall he didn't resign... or he did, then he didn't, then...

So, once again, personal foibles are regrettable, but probably have very
little to do with Congressional work.

"j" ganz @@