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Don White Don White is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 8,997
Default Value Boats and the DJIA

"Wilbur Hubbard" wrote in message

You should listen closer to Mr. Momsen. He is 100% correct. He must be a
libertarian or something close to one. He hasn't been fooled by government
hype and brainwashing. He stands upon a sound financial foundation of
understanding. He is also correct about the Good Captain who is off
cruising the world without a care in the world. He's my hero! Everybody
should be so cool.

Capitalism has not "crashed." Capitalism has only cycled. Every sane man
who has a clue about economics realizes that capitalism and the
free-market system goes in cycles. Boom and bust boom and bust. That's how
it works. The smart investor knows this and works capitalism just like
good sailors work the tides. The tides ebb and flow, ebb and flow. You
learn to not buck the tide.

A smart investor learns to not buck the economic cycles of capitalism. The
present down cycle will be recovered from pretty fast considering all the
measures the government has taken of late to lift it back up. It will
rebound even higher than it was at it's stock market peak. I look for it
to rebound within two or three years to a Dow of 15-16 thousand. But, a
word of advise. This artificial manipulation of the economic cycles by the
government is going to result in the next downturn to be completely fatal.
There's nothing they will be able to do to keep the next downturn from
wiping out the world economy and plunging the planet into another dark
age. Mark my words.

So, if you have any money left, invest it now. I would recommend exchange
traded fund accounts. ETF's have definite advantages over mutual funds.
Live like a king between now and about 2018. That's when the ride will go
off the cliff.

I've just put my money where my mouth is. I've just plowed 2 mill from
cash reserves to an ETF which transaction is to take place at the end of
today's trading session. I'm hoping for another very down day because the
stock market is very close to reaching bottom and it will be up from
there. I could easily realize a 40% increase in the value of my fund
within two years.

So, the deeper lesson is buy low, sell high and never forget it.

Wilbur Hubbard

I see you must be growing your own pot back in that mostiquo infested swamp.
Might be a good way to spend the next few years.....assuming that post
office pension is safe.