Thread: Go Lehman GO!
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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Go Lehman GO!

"Thomas, Spring Point Light" wrote in

Makes ya wonder.. the suckers who work, pay the taxes, send their kids
off to war,

they are us, we will end up paying for this madness.

Every time I see someone carrying a baby around, I wonder:

How will he travel, without oil?
How will he keep from freezing to death?
What will he eat, when there's no food?
Will he be killed in the think tank's planned genocide to preserve
what's left for the moneyed elite?
Will he be left on Earth to choke to death as the overlords move off-
planet at his expense?
Will he find out where Soilent Green comes from?
Will he be the first generation to have the red light in his palm
signalling his time for euthanasia to save the elite from the rest of

I believe these are all possible things....for your grandchildren to

George Orwell had the date wrong....not the concept of constant wars to
control population and keep the elite in absolute power.

Build the gallows on Wall Street. I have quite a que ready to take
their turns pulling the first....for humanity and that
little baby.

Money Changers. Hitler identified the problem but got carried away with
the solution. The Money Changers don't think the goyum will do it
again, or they would have changed their attitudes.

Nothing has changed for centuries.....