Thread: Pole-ish joke
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Roger Long Roger Long is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 739
Default Pole-ish joke

"Skip Gundlach" wrote

..... and try to ameliorate the butcher job the guy I had our new main
sent to last year, the worst end result being that the battens catch on
the way up, others being mere nuisances.

If you find a way to keep battens from catching on lazy jacks on a marconi
main, other that hoisting quickly exactly when the wind centers the sail,
please let me know what it is.

I've rigged my lazy jacks to stow out of the way secured under the reefing
hooks and set them up just before lowering. It's quick and easy but might
not be on a larger boat with a bimini. I've recently experimented with
hoisting with the lazy jacks set up. It works well with a crew briefed to
steer so the main centers but I do a lot of single handed hoisting in the
tight quarters of the harbor so usually just let the sail dump on the cabin
top so I can hoist quickly without being exactly head to wind. Even though
the sheet is free, the sail doesn't seem to center between the jacks unless
there is a helmsman steering the boat back and forth.

BTW are you going to turn SPOT back on?

Roger Long