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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2007
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Default OT-The Mouse and the Motorcycle..

On Sep 12, 10:01*am, Rowdy Mouse Racing
Well, thanks to a great RMD brother, the Mouse and I got to go try out
her new bike today. The first place we went was way too difficult for
us noobs so we headed off for the club where he is a member.

Anyway, the new TTR125 (small wheels, 14 and 17) ran pretty good but
we have some adjustments to make. Got some good pointers and ran her
out pretty good. We need to soften the rear end a little and tighten
the chain. I made some adjustments to the brake and shift levers the
other day, and they seem to work out pretty good. The Mouse really
needs some more work shifting. She tends to mark the clutch rather
than pull it in which is no so bad, but she tends to hang on the
throttle letting the engine wind up between gears. She also needs to get
a lot
deeper into the corners before slowing down, but that will come I
guess. The area we rode in today was part sand flats, and part fields
with some pretty washed out trails around. Being break in, I had her
mostly doing laps around the ovals and shifting up and down. Right at
the end of the day we could hear her coming up through some pretty
wicked wash. I wish I had the camera when she called, she was sideways
in a 2 foot deep wash with straight up side in front and behind. It
was funny to see her sitting there just like she was in a crate. Big
grin, here comes dad to save the day.. Of course then I had to walk
back too.

I got to ride the chaser bike (hard tail, old school mini bike
lawnmower engine, big fat tires) quite a while today. I was following
her around the laps prompting her through the gears and around the
ovals. Probably did more riding today than I usually do, but with the
flat tracks, it was not nearly as much work as when I ride the MX
track.. At least I got to stay on the ground most of the time

I think the guy who took us riding wanted to get out of there sooner,
and thought we would be better riders, or at least someone he could
have follow him around, but us and rocks just don't mix. It's funny
how we see trail guys come to the MX track and get intimidated.. Now
we go to the trails, and we are the same. Guess they are really two
different animals. Anyway, the Mouse loved it and wants to learn to
ride the washouts, hopefully we will get invited again, so if you are
reading this, she wants to know what we have to do to join
your club. And again, she says thank-you for the day, me too, I had a

Rowdy Mouse Racing, looking for that frekin' heating pad

Sounds like a good time! It's amazing the difference between MX and
trail riding. I used to do both and it's apples and oranges.