Thread: Voting records
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
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Default Voting records

On Sep 3, 8:04 am, TJ wrote:
Obama's followers are fond of quoting a statistic that McCain has voted
with George Bush over 90% of the time. The statistic varies with the one
doing the quoting, but it's never 100%. That means that, given
sufficient reason, McCain will go against his party leaders. His running
mate has also demonstrated a willingness to go against the party.

That is a quality I look for in an office seeker. I don't want someone
whose strings are pulled by the party. I want someone who is willing to
do what he or she thinks is right, no matter which side favors it. I
want somebody with some *guts.*

All I've heard about Obama's voting record is that it's the most liberal
in the Senate. No specific statistics. Can anybody supply statistics
of occasions where Obama has voted against the party line? Can he think
for himself, or is he just a party puppet?


It' very misleading since that 90% is mostly voice votes about small
issues that mostly passed unanimously, Obama probably voted for the
same things, just as consistently. Just another distortion from the
Daily Kos and the DNC.. Now they want DNA from Palin, even though
the time line could never work out for the new baby to be Bristols'.
All they have to do is say it, and the idiots who don't want the
truth, fall into line...

Behind you?

Hey...don't forget...John McCain was a POW.