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Default McCain Attacks Obama's Kids!

Calif Bill wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
. ..
D.Duck wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
. ..

New McCain Ad Attacks Obama Kids

In what might be his most controversial attack ad in a campaign
dominated by them, presumptive G.O.P. presidential nominee John McCain
today launched a new TV spot attacking Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill)'s two

According to political insiders, a negative ad targeting a rival's
offspring is highly unorthodox, especially when the children in question
are under the age of ten.

But after the two Obama kids scored in their performance on national
television last night at the Democratic convention, "we had to do
something to give the American people some straight talk on those two
brats," Sen. McCain said today.

In the ad, which is being broadcast in key swing states, an announcer
intones, "They're the cutest children in the world - but are they ready
to lead?"

The spot uses visuals to link the two Obama kids to other famously cute
kids, such as the young Drew Barrymore and the Cabbage Patch dolls.

The commercial goes on to blast the Obama children for "smiling and
giggling but refusing to state their position on offshore oil drilling."

While some critics questioned how well the ad would play in living rooms
across America, Sen. McCain defended it, telling reporters, "It played
very well in all of my living rooms."
- - -

Another winner from my favorite news reporter, Andy Borowitz.
Yes, I know it's humor but where did McCain say "we had to do
something to give the American people some straight talk on those two

If he did say it shame on him. If he didn't I don't think "his" words
should be placed inside quotes.

It's satire. Up until this moment, I thought only Loogy the Terminally
Dumb took Andy literally.

Quack, quack, quack.

Nope, you were trying to put it out there as the truth. Tell a lie enough
times and people will start to believe it.

Oh, puh-lease. Andy Borowitz is a well-known comedian and satirist. The
purpose of the column was to show just how outrageous the lies are that
the Republicans and their camp followers are telling about the Obamas.
It was a sort of "what's next from the Republicans" column.

It isn't my fault you, loogy, and a few other low-brain-outputters here
are dumb enough to take this sort of satire seriously. You really need
to stop listening to Rush, Faux News, and the rest of the right-wing
garbage on the airwaves. Concern yourselves with the idiot in the White
House who sent 4200 young Americans to their deaths in Iraq and
Afghanistan over his "mistake."