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John H.[_6_] John H.[_6_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 261
Default PC Speakers

On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 07:44:59 -0400, "Earl of Warwich, Duke of Cornwall,
Marquies of Anglesea, Sir Reginald P. Smithers III Esq. LLC, STP. "

hk wrote:
Don White wrote:
"Richard Casady" wrote in message
On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 15:46:46 -0400, John H.
salmonremovebait@gmaildotcom wrote:

I just installed a set of Logitech X-240 PC speaker system. Cost
all of
$43 at Best Buy. I am impressed. For the money, this is a great
set of PC speakers.
I have done without speakers for the last ten years. Never missed


A lot of the You Tube stuff requires sound to be effective.

If you are ever in the market for a pair of high quality speakers for a
desktop or laptop, take a look at the Bose Companion II.

For under $100, they sound pretty good, and they look good, too...they
look like miniature bookshelf speakers, and aren't to "plastic-y."

I've never liked Logitech speakers, although lots of people do. Here's
what PC Mag had to say about the X-240s:

"Sometimes even the best companies falter. Logitech, with its new X-240
2.1 speaker system, is a perfect example of this. Although the $50
speakers certainly deliver decent sound quality considering their modest
price, they have some seriously annoying flaws. First, the cables are
hard-wired to the subwoofer, making it difficult to keep them out of
sight. The worst offense, though, is a hum that is pretty noticeable at
moderate volumes when the speakers are connected to a PC. The end result
is a surprisingly ungraceful product from a company known for
streamlined design and excellent sound."

I have always thought PC Mag was a great resource for unbiased reviews,2817,2287685,00.asp,2817,2286065,00.asp,2817,2310103,00.asp

Whoever did the review of the Logitechs either had a bad speaker or a bad
sound card. I can turn my volume up to max and there is no hum whatsoever.

I'll never have another Bose system.