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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2007
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Default Some 'Performance' Stats for new Parker 34-footer...

On Aug 7, 1:55*pm, hk wrote:
On Aug 7, 1:45 pm, hk wrote:
On Aug 7, 12:23 pm, hk wrote:
On Aug 7, 12:11 pm, "Eisboch" wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
*Eisboch wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
The following performance data was provided by Yamaha.
Performance will vary depending on conditions and load.
Minimum speed is too fast for tuna.
Uh...that's not minimum speed...that's the speed at 1000 rpm. * :)
The F350's have a trolling throttle controller, +/- 50 rpm increments
(600 - 1000 rpm range) via the Command Link System.
My F150 runs just fine at 600 rpm, and according to my gps, I can power
the boat forward in still water at under one mph if I want. I assume most
modern outboards can run real slow, except maybe some of the two stroke
I know. *Just trying to be a wise ass.
The Egg Harbor we had couldn't troll slow enough for tuna with both engines
running and in gear. *It didn't have trolling valves, so I often had to let
one engine idle in neutral and use the other for the *magic* tuna trolling
speed of about 3 kts.
Eisboch- Hide quoted text -
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Yeah, but you got wafa to make up some more stories
Still delusional, hey, Scotty?
So what was the "server administrative problem," Scotty? Big secret?- Hide quoted text -
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Yesterday, you insisted that you already knew.. Of course anyone who
has ever turned on a computer knew with the limited info you had, that
would be imossible. Same with Loogies problem... Both BTW were not any
problem on the client side.. but it's way to complicated for a windoze
hero like you so I won't bother.
Here's a hint.. When I was running the hook for a body shop years ago
my boss told me this.. "If you get a call for a car stalled on the rr
tracks and you know there is a train coming, what's the first thing
you do? * Answer me that, and we'll talk.
Send Loogy? * :)

Are you saying both of you had the same problem on the server side?


Is there some sort of "stupid" filter on the server? *:)

Nope, nothing to do with filters at all... go back to the wrecker
question.. want a serious answer.

If you have one..

I'd make sure there was no one in the car and then I'd make sure
everyone stood clear until the train passed.


Alternately, if he hadn't retired, I would have called my father-in-law,
who, with a quick phone call could have ordered the dispatcher to stop
the train immediately. *:)


But my first response is my choice: I'd send out Loogy. With any bit of
luck, he'd kiss the train and there would be an instant improvement of
the odds in favor of a better gene pool in the future.


You are stupid, and useless...

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