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Short Wave Sportfishing[_2_] Short Wave Sportfishing[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,643
Default Speaking of Al Gore's house boat...

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008 13:48:46 -0700 (PDT),

On Aug 6, 4:45*pm, wrote:
On Aug 6, 4:29*pm, "Eisboch" wrote:

"hk" wrote in message


Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
Turns out is really is his.

Well, to answer the question...

Now we know it is his. *:)

According to the article you cited, the boat burns biodiesel at the rate
of 2 gallons an's your point? Your little boat burns more
fuel than that.

I wonder how many carbon credits were involved in building this 100 ft
barge, *the BS-1?
That's a lot of petroleum based raw materials there.

I have said this before but I think the Clintons and cronies enjoy
slapping us in the face with little digs like BS-1.. I am no Larry,
but I have seen evidence of that in other areas such as the "fairness
doctrine" and names of reports and bills too. It goes right along with
feeling so clever they think, they should be allowed to think for us..- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Interesting that shortpants post shows up, but wafa's, doesn't and the
two responses to or mentioning him don't...

Ease up Scot - it's getting a little weird - you know, like obsessive?