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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2007
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Default OT my son got a sunburn

On Jun 19, 1:05*pm, HK wrote:
On Jun 19, 12:56 pm, wrote:
On Jun 19, 12:44 pm, wrote:

My son goes to the YMCA summer program, and he got a very slight
sunburn doing archery. I think I should call child protective services
on them. They allowed him to get sunburn, even though he uses
sunscreen, AND they gave him specifice rules and instructions for
archery, which he followed of course. But how can they allow such a
dangerous and deadly sport, even though he's been taught all of his
life to be safe and responsible?
enough already...

Sorry, but it takes the lowest of low life scum to say things about
someone's kids.

I haven't seen anyone say anything negative about anyone's kids.
I have seen several comments on irresponsible parenting.
Loogy, it isn't the fault of your kids that they have an irresponsible
idiot for a father.

One time, and one time, only, asshole.
What have I done to be "irresponsible"?
Let a kid ride a bicycle?
Maybe your parents didn't allow you to do anything but sit in your
room playing with yourself, but that doesn't make it right.
As anyone can clearly see, the product of YOUR parents is nothing but
a fat nail chewing piece of **** person that is such a low life that
he will say nasty untrue things about people's wives, children, boats,
cars, anything, in order to boost his low self esteem. In order to
help that low self esteem, you've become a chronic liar, not only
lying about yourself, but lying about your father. Constantly. You
are a pig, a neanderthal, and the lowest form of scum. Not one single
person in wants your low life uncouth bull**** and lies, get
it? You try to make people here think that you have culture and
refinement, again to boost your low self esteem, but as soon as you
write something you prove what a low life piece of chum you are. As
far a parenting, you don't have kids, your wife is smart enough to
realize that world is a much better place without your spawn in the
mix. I've been around a lot of people, but never as low of a piece of
garbage as you. I'm damned glad I'm bringing my children up to be more
than a lying punk like you. In short, **** you.