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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default VHF/Hailer/Fog Horn Suggestions

"Geoff Schultz" wrote in message
.. .
I'm getting ready to start my trip to Newfoundland/Nova Scotia. I keep
thinking that it would be really nice to have a hailer with a built in fog
horn. I've been off researching them and it appears that for the cost, I
may as well just get a new VHF which incorporates all of the features into
one unit and that is remotely controlable from the remote mic in the

I've been an Icom user all along, and am tempted to get the IC-M604, which
is basically the same form-factor as my current IC-M402. The thing that
really ****es me off is that the cables for the remote mic are different
than what I have in there now and it's a royal PIA to remove the old ones
and pull new ones. As a result I'm looking at different vendors.

I've always liked Standard Horizon and their model GX2360S seems to have
all of the functionality that I like at a better price ($295 vs $420).

Does anyone have any feedback on these units or suggestions for others?
How about the actual horn unit?

Also, I'll need a guard for the horn. Here's a picture that I have for
foredeck light. Does anyone know where I can find these?

-- Geoff

I don't have any experience with what you're looking for but I have two
comments. First, I have always been impressed with SH equipment. Loonnng
battery life and straight-forward functionality. Second, you really seem to
have a nice setup... very clean looking.

"j" ganz @@