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Hanz Schmidt Hanz Schmidt is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 38
Default VHF/Hailer/Fog Horn Suggestions

I had a S.H. The cable came a part on the Remote Mic. H.S. told me that
I put the remote in the SUN. And the cable had know UV in it. They told
me to my another mic. ... So I buy and ICOM M-602.


I've been an Icom user all along, and am tempted to get the IC-M604, which
is basically the same form-factor as my current IC-M402. The thing that
really ****es me off is that the cables for the remote mic are different
than what I have in there now and it's a royal PIA to remove the old ones
and pull new ones. As a result I'm looking at different vendors.

I've always liked Standard Horizon and their model GX2360S seems to have
all of the functionality that I like at a better price ($295 vs $420).

Does anyone have any feedback on these units or suggestions for others?
How about the actual horn unit?

Also, I'll need a guard for the horn. Here's a picture that I have for
foredeck light. Does anyone know where I can find these?

-- Geoff

I don't have any experience with what you're looking for but I have two
comments. First, I have always been impressed with SH equipment. Loonnng
battery life and straight-forward functionality. Second, you really seem to
have a nice setup... very clean looking.