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HK HK is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
Posts: 13,347
Default Travel trailers...

JimH wrote:
On Jun 2, 1:11 pm, "Jim" wrote:
wrote in message

On Jun 2, 6:34 am, John H. wrote:

Anyone have one, or know anything about them. We are considering a small
Airstream, but wondering if there are other brands of decent quality.
John *H*

I see that apparently for some, it's just horrible to talk about any
other recreation other than boats here. Funny, though, if you go to
Chuck's site, you'll see that the topic du jour is national ID cards
and constitutional rights!!!!

Actually, the hot topic over there right now is suicide knobs. I guess we
are held to a higher standard over here. That forum has been a big
disappointment so far. You can't let the inmates run the asylum. Chuck needs
to regain control and put a stop to the nonsense if he wants to make a go of

The only *contributions* I have read from you over there are trolls
and insults. My guess is you will be the next one to be banned as you
cannot behave like an adult.

That other place and the members there are the main topics of
discussion here along with travel trailers fund raising, politics and
Nascar. Boats are the main topic of discussion at the other place and
this place is never mentioned.

Now where is the problem Jim? Think about it and get back with me in
the morning.

Have a nice day.

Indeed, Florida Jim is dragging his bait of petty little trolls and