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Stephen Trapani Stephen Trapani is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 368
Default House Committee Passes Clean Boating Act of 2008

On Fri, 23 May 2008 20:47:43 -0700, Stephen Trapani

On 23 May 2008 18:25:01 -0500, Dave wrote:

On Fri, 23 May 2008 17:10:14 -0400,

Which "enviros" are you talking about?
The ones he sees all around him when he closes his eyes.
Hey, it's at least as good a pejorative term as "neocons" g.
The "enviros" as you call them, at least mean well, unlike neocons, who are

Funny distinction. One of the main problem with the environmental
movement is that it places human interest way to low and plant and
animal interest way to high. This is anti-human and therefore malevolent.


Who writes this material for you? The environmentalists (I qualify, but I'm not
a member of any "movement" that I'm aware of) I know all stress how important it
is to stop screwing up the planet for the benefit of all living creatures. What
they don't believe in is raping the planet recklessly to satisfy greed. Without
all those plants and animals, we ourselves end up in danger. It's all tightly

Just pretend for a moment that it's not so tightly connected. For
example, imagine that humans can invent solutions to problems and that
if something gets screwed up in the environment, humans can probably
create a way to fix it.

Now look at how the environmental movement is working to prevent energy
development in third world countries like Africa and what this does to
negatively impact human beings there.

Can you imagine the entirely unnecessary harm being done to humans?
