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HEMI - Powered[_2_] HEMI - Powered[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2008
Posts: 48
Default Info on Dutch traditional sailing vessels (Was: Skūtsje -Antonius-)

HiFlyer added these comments in the current discussion du jour ...

C'mon guys, act your age and drop the subject. We are here to enjoy

a common interest and don't have the time or the inclination to
listen to your squabbles. Okay??

So, what's stopping you? Certainly not me. Again, you should get Bouler
to stop the ludicrous accusations, insults, and disparaging remarks
against both me and my country, and also see if you get him to post in a
way that can be understood. His big beef seems to be that I snow him
under with techie talk but what it really is is that he's been snowing
this entire NG - maybe for years - with an aura of sea faring knowledge,
when in fact, it turns out he doesn't know jack ****. Yet, at the same
time, he gets ****ed because I have superior knowledg? Hell, I ADMIT to
knowing very little, so what does that say about him?

Try somethinge new, POST something interesting.

Done posting for an indefinite period.

HP, aka Jerry

"You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a ****!"