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HiFlyer HiFlyer is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 57
Default Info on Dutch traditional sailing vessels (Was: Skūtsje -Antonius-)

"Mommy, he said it again, not me! Mommy, make him stop!!""

C'mon guys, act your age and drop the subject. We are here to enjoy a
common interest and don't have the time or the inclination to listen
to your squabbles. Okay??

Try somethinge new, POST something interesting.


On Sun, 18 May 2008 07:23:32 -0500, "HEMI - Powered"

HiFlyer added these comments in the current discussion du jour ...

It would appear that they both ought to go sit in a corner and think
about the sad display of childishness. Foul language and disrespect
for an EQUAL is probably not welcome here. There are better places
to show your lack of breeding and limited vocabulary.

I don't start flame wars, but I DO finish them, so a friendly
suggestion: whack on Bouler, NOT me, OK?

On 17 May 2008 17:36:39 GMT, Jeronimus wrote:

Too bad this is all wasted on a fool and an idiot - see my sig to
get some idea of where I am wrt to you. You **** in your own nest
BIG time yesterday in public, insulting me personally, insulting
my country that could wipe your feeble residence off the Earth
without breaking a sweat, and you've also severely insulted my

I was wrong, dead wrong, to have ever complemented you on what I
perceived as superior nautical knowledge to me. I really don't
know all that much, so my humility isn't fake, but I think I
misread you - I think NOW after re-reading all your the babble and
drivel you posted in these several threads that I've forgotten
more about boats and ships than you'll ever know.

If you intend to challenge my facts, which I can easily and
document, you'd better come back at me with some lame excuses. The
people you admite, such as Michael Moore, show me that you can't
at all tell the difference between intelligence, knowledge,
experienc, and good judgment from the inane and insane ramblings
of a certiable idiot.

Hello Hemi,

No offence, but I think I can speak for the group if I say that I
would greatly prefer if personal disagreements were kept as far away
as possible from this group. Show some respect to the people who're
here to share pictures, stories and info (whether correct or maybe
some ot of the box) on ships in this group, with great respect for

I hope you're willing to help to keep this newsgroup on a decent

Thanx in advance, regards,
