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Default How big a boat can be launched at a boat ramp?

"Greg O" wrote in message
Sounds familiar!!
I tow with a '93 Chevy Caprice. On one ramp we use, we backing in, the boat
drags the car down to the water, brakes locked. First time it scared the
**** out of me,

I'll bet it did!

figured I was gonna get wet for sure! So as the boat hits
the water the car stops. To get out I have to back up until the water is
about 1/2 way up the car's rear tires, then give 'er hell. It is the only
why I can get enough momentum to get up the ramp. Float the boat and take
off! The Chevy has limited slip differential and both tires are smoking all
the way up!

I'd like to see that!