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Martin Baxter Martin Baxter is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 834
Default Trip Report: Mystic to St Thomas

Capt. JG wrote:

Yes, with limitations. Our health insurance is Federally mandated, but
Provincialy implimented, in my case that's OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance
Program). There are limitations though, generally OHIP won't pay any more
than what they'd pay in Canada, which works fine if you're in most
countries. It is woefully lacking if you get sick in the US; most people
take out additional private coverage if they're journying to the US for
any length of time.


Don't feel bad. We don't insure sick children either.

The US spends more, per capita on health than any other industrialized
nation in the world, yet it manages to deliver that health care to a
lower percentage of the population than those same nations. The Infant
mortality rate is alway interesting to look at, US=6.82 per 1000 live
births, Cuba=6.45, Aruba 6.02, Canada 4.82, France 4.31, Czech Republic
3.97, Iceland 3.31........there at least 36 countries that do better
than the US.
