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Red Red is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 147
Default November 12th - Becalmed, bothered and bewildered (another riffon another song) and other last-ditch efforts

Willard the rat wrote: a lot of stupid and nasty things about people he
doesn't know...
Arrogance is a proper attribute of a real man. One is arrogant because
is strong and knows he has what it takes to succeed and lives life
accordingly and recognizes the weakness that causes lesser men to

tuck tail
and run without making a stand. Those who decry arrogance, or any other
manly virtue for that matter, are girly-men who have a liberal bent
bent is all about the self-imposed emasculation. Such as these do not

No Willy, you have this one wrong too. Confidence is one (of many)
proper attribute of a man. One is confident when he recognizes his
knowledge and ability to function. Confidence is not necessarily a lack
of fear, any more than bravery is not necessarily a lack of fear. It is
recognizing the knowledge that he can and will succeed. Bravery is
recognizing any fear, and making oneself move ahead in spite of that fear.
Arrogance on the other hand is no manly virtue. It is for those girly
men who have to hide the fact they have no confidence. They bluster and
blow and call others names to try to erect a smoke screen to hide the
scared, unsure little boy inside themselves from being found out. In
some arrogant girly-men, such as yourself, they have to tell lots of
lies about supposed accomplishments to make themselves out to be much
more than they know they will ever be. We recognize those lies because
the arrogant girly-man telling them rarely gets his information right.
Have a nice day