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Dick Locke Dick Locke is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 45
Default Can a PC live on the boat with me?

On Sat, 29 Sep 2007 21:07:59 -0700, pete wrote:

Hi folks --

I make my living developing software and I would like to install a PC
with fast Internet connectivity on a !~40'-LOA ketch. That way, I can
(maybe) live aboard and still indulge my hobby and vocation.

How stupid is this idea? Could it ever work?


-- Pete

You didn't say what country you are in but I gather from the replies
that you are in the U.S. Most marinas on the West coast all the way
down to Ixtapa Mexico have wifi at the dock. Some have ethernet, some
have cable connections.I'd get a Hawking parabolic receiver, can't
remember the number, but it helps a lot with wifi

If the marina doesn't have wifi, there is usually a leaky network you
can piggyback into.

In Mexico, the cruiser hangout bars in LaCruz and Zihua have installed
fairly powerful transmitters for anchored boats.