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Bart Bart is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 577
Default Mainsail Controls

On Sep 27, 8:34 pm, (Thom Stewart) wrote:
OK Salty;

Take Ganz's List and then add;
Hmmm... traveler, outhaul, cunningham, reefing lines (x3), leech line,
topping lift, boom vang, adjustable backstay, preventer, lazy jacks (or
Dutchman or StackPak), furling line (for boom or main), perhaps a boom
rope, I've heard of batten control lines.
Flattening Reef, Downhaul or Barber haul on down for Broad Reach or Run,
Jack Stays (Port & Starboard) Upper Shrouds (P&S) Lower Shrouds(P&S)
Adjustable Mast Foot, Fore Stay.

These are all adjustments for Maconi Main. I wouldn't even know where to
start on a Junk Sail or even a Lateen Sail (I learned to sail with a

Salty, if you really need to know what & how to adjust; post me off
group. I don't want to be in a discussion with a Sockpuppet. I know Bart
& Ganz to be real.

JML Sigs

I was thinking about running rigging Thom. Still
I liked your answer. The flattening reef is something
others missed. There are some interesting ways
to rig a flattening reef.