Thread: Two Parkers
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Eisboch Eisboch is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Two Parkers

"HK" wrote in message
. ..
On Sep 11, 9:24 am, "Eisboch" wrote:
"HK" wrote in message

. ..

I was fishing on the CT River the other night and saw two 21 footers
just like your boat Harry. One with a big 2 stroke, one a 4. Both
coming in at evening, right after another. They did seem to sit heavy
in the water, moving nicely through the light chop before sunset. They
even had low transoms! Still could give a little "life" to the lines
on the boat, someone should tell Parker that it is ok to look nice
too! Just a couple of inches of um, pride in the bow would look
great, and that square ass, oh well, still look like a good tool for
the sound and beyond, even if it does not photograph well :O
I'm not sure what you mean by giving a "little life" to the lines. The
boats are exactly what they look console fishing boats.
take a couple of photos of the bow for you and maybe you can tell me
you have in mind, okay? :}
IMO, that's the problem with some of these boats .... no distinguishing
lines. From a distance they pretty much look the same. Instead of
designing in some uniqueness, some manufacturers are content with
their name or logo in big letters on the side. (Parker, Robolo, etc.)

Eisboch- Hide quoted text -

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^^ Yeah,what he said ^^

If you were more familiar with the boats, at least the Parkers, you would
pick up on lines and uniqueness.

A Parker is a fine boat, but rather nondescript IMO (particularly the
smaller CCs). If I were king of Parker, I'd modify something to give it a
distinguishing look and drop the big side decal. Just me.
