Thread: WiFi for boats
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Geoff Schultz Geoff Schultz is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 454
Default WiFi for boats

Richard Lane wrote in

Geoff Schultz wrote:
Richard Lane wrote in

Geoff Schultz wrote:

Can someone explain what "21 dBm" and "Up to 40 EIRP (dBi)" means
in the transmit power section of the above PDF file?

-- Geoff
21 dBm is 21 dB above 1 mw of power ~105x. 40 dBi EIRP is 40 dB
(10,000x) up on the isotropic (radiated in a sphere) radiated power
and usually refers to a directional antenna gain but such a large
number must include the transmitter power probably relative to 1 mW.

I'm used to seeing transmit power listed in mW. So from this can I
assume that the transmit power is 105 mW? I still really don't
understand what the EIRP means.

-- Geoff

EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power.

I guess that I'm just really slow or you can't interpert my questions:

Can someone explain what "21 dBm" and "Up to 40 EIRP (dBi)" means
in the transmit power section of the above PDF file?


So from this can I assume that the transmit power is 105 mW?

A simple yes or no would be sufficient. If "No", what is the actual
transmit power?

-- Geoff