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Capt. JG Capt. JG is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 7,757
Default i scream, you scream, ...

"katy" wrote in message
Capt. JG wrote:
"katy" wrote in message

Capt. JG wrote:

"katy" wrote in message

Capt. JG wrote:

"katy" wrote in message

Capt. JG wrote:

We all scream for sunscreen...

What do you use? Maybe you should think about upgrading...

Consumer Reports rated Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch SPF 45 as
the best and the best buy as No-Ad Sunblock Lotion Maximum SPF 45.
Both are highly rated for UVA and UVB.

If you have any types of allergies, watch the No_Ad one...gave me
little blisters and bumps...I only use 15 when I use any at
all....the ebst protection agaisnt "bad rays" is to go unexposed fr
the first 15 minutes...the bkody has its' own defense mechanism that
triggers the pigment in the skin to protect but only after 15 also need that amount of time to absorb Vitamin
d...then after 15 minutes put on the block or screen or whatever...I
am most fortunate that I have olive skin so don't burn very

This isn't what dermatologists stay. You should be applying sunblock
15-20 minutes before exposure. Tanning in intense sun can take place
in much less than 15 minutes and no tanning is good. Where you get
this stuff, I have no idea.

I got it originally from a dermatologist on the Today SHow... but just
in case you don't know how to Google, put benefits of 15 minutes in the
sun into your search and see what happens..or read this to start:

Why you aren't more well read is beyond me....

Katy, if you're outdoors at all... walking to your car, to the post
office, you're getting all you need. Promoting not putting sunscreen on
when boating, an enviroment that lends itself to intense sun exposure,
is downright dangerous.

You'd better shut yourself away in a cave, then, Jon...the world might
get you....

Insult me all you want, but I don't think listening to day-time TV is the
best place to find the facts.

I pointed out several websites that concurred with those facts....inslt? I
didn't see any insult...calling you a lame brain would be an insult...I
didn;t call you any names...I just suggested that maybe, if the world is
so scary to you, a cave might be a better place for you to spend your

1) "Why you aren't more well read is beyond me...."
2) "You'd better shut yourself away in a cave, then, Jon...the world might
get you...."

Endearing comments I presume?

"j" ganz @@