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Seahag Seahag is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 210
Default ...and the panic sets in?

"katy" wrote:
Scotty wrote:
"katy" wrote:

Seahag wrote:

"Flying Tadpole" wrote:

Seahag wrote:

"Bart" wrote:

Every one of the shrouds was loose--I was tempted to
pluck them to see if I could hit a few bass notes but
they would probably be below human hearing...

Wooden boats aren't tuned like glass boats. If you
tighten all those puppies up they will push the mast
the keel and start some impressive leaking. Been
done that...

Shrouds? Shrouds?? What are they???

Strings that go up along the sides of a boat. They can
very handy for hanging doodads and other thingamabobs
on, such as belaying pins and ratlines. Can be made
interesting with the application of baggywinkle

His boat hasn't any...the sticks just sit there all on

their lonesome.....

at least he has sticks...

...that's ok...she attached the baggywinkle to her hat
until they step their sticks...makes for interesting
conversation when you go anywhere with her...

Just to round things off the engine is still sitting on the
sole of my saloon
