Thread: Iridium
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 294
Default Iridium

On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 22:29:52 -0400, "Wilbur Hubbard"

wrote in message
On Aug 1, 3:52 pm, "Wilbur Hubbard"
The disdain I hold others in is caused by their causing problems for
and other real self-reliant sailors by their not taking sailing
seriously. ...

You want to explain exactly how it causes you a problem when I phone
my old dad from a remote Pacific Atoll to see if he's ok? I'm selfish
enough that I'd go cruising even if it meant that I couldn't call
home, but since I can why shouldn't I?

-- Tom.

You can do what pleases you. My point is something my dear old Dad
taught me before he died. He told me that if you try doing two things at
one time you'll end up doing neither well. So you can cruise and you can
telephone. But it's not the same as doing one or the other and doing it

Wilbur Hubbard

In other words, you can't walk and chew gum at the same time?

Well, I don't suppose you can.

Bruce in Bangkok