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Bill Bill is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 225
Default ready to put some boat on my boat

Well, sorry you are so defensive. The reason I care is this is a
builders group, and I am a builder. You came here for help (unless you
are just dreaming and bragging) and I thought I was helping. Screw you
though, I won't make that mistake again. I can't imagine coming to
someone for help, then turning into an ahole when you hear something
you don't want to hear or address, but that's just me.

I posted an update of my build for all the people that might be
interested and I immediately get replies of 'why would you do that,
that wont ever work and it's not a good idea' from people that have
never tried it before. The responses I got from you and Bruce were
very harsh and from people that have not even stated any experience
with this material. In my experience when two people interested in
building something are talking a project it is more constructive than
that. You ask questions if you don't know and make polite
suggestions, you don't say things like it could never be a permanent
solution, if you haven't tried it. You don't jump all over someone
that has been planning or many months after thingkin about it for five
minutes. Sorry if I seem a bit defensive but I came here to share and
post a little something to an otherwise low active group and I get
attacked by several people that think they know everything. Next time
you try to help someone maybe you could be polite about it. That goes
for Bruce even more, just because you never did it doesn't mean it
can't be done.