Thread: GPS Reciever
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Jack Erbes Jack Erbes is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 81
Default GPS Reciever

Larry wrote:

You'll have way more than enough money to buy The Cap'n, a proper nav
software with all the charts you need, SUPPORTED, not freeware.

Laptops are ALWAYS better than crappy chart plotter screens on some sonar.

I don't think I've ever seen a sonar with a chart plotter screen. :)

I also have to wonder if you've ever actually used a laptop on a boat.

They can be useful in the cabin or at a nav station but on 30 to 40 foot
pleasure boats, when you are on the helm in seas much over 4 feet or so,
I'll take a chart plotter over a laptop every time.

Or my Garmin 76Cx handheld if nothing else is around or still working...


Jack Erbes in Ellsworth, Maine, USA - jackerbes at adelphia dot net
(also receiving email at jacker at