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Default Common courtesy?

From the speeds you've mentioned, I don't know if yours is a planing
boat, but do you know about setting the trim to handle rough seas? I
feel a bit of a phoney talking about this, having just come off the RYA
course, and having no real sea experience, but we were shown to trim the
bow down when against the swell - thus putting the V-hull into the
waves, and to trim the bow up when powering with the swell, so as to
prevent the bow nose diving into the troughs when cresting a wave.

Much appreciated info. Don't worry about whether you've had a chance to try
it or not, you're up front that you haven't tried it personally yet so
that's fair.

We'll be taking our course this fall/winter. Would have taken it sooner but
that's when the next one starts.

Yes, it's a planing hull with twin 5.7 Alpha I/Os. I haven't had it up over
30 knots yet but I may give it a shot this weekend depending on traffic and
water conditions. I think there will be plenty to learn about trimming it